The Goal - Raise Awareness of the Reality of Problems with the Mind
On December 20, 2010, our son Nathan died by suicide. We had no idea there was a problem. Now we understand many children deal with problems with their minds and emotions which may lead to tragedy or life-long struggles. If parents were more aware of this issue, we believe that they could help their children navigate through these challenges.
The Plan - Provide Resources to Help Parents Take Action
This site offers practical action steps for parents to help raise emotionally healthy children. Each of the five suggested steps offer basic components that can be accomplished quickly and extended steps that require more time.
The five steps are:
#1 Discover Research family history
#2 Learn Study potential problems
#5 Act Take Action
Berrien County Suicide Prevention Coalition
Would you like to get involved? Contact us!
See news coverage:
Have 4 minutes to save a life? Watch this informative video on depression: I Had a Black Dog, His Name Was Depression.
National Crisis and Suicide Hotline: 988, 4750 Beechnut Drive, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9321, 269-235-9460,
Website by Tech Help