
Meeting with a counselor

Step #5: Take Action

It is important to take action if you believe your children are having struggles emotionally. Don't make the mistake of underestimating or dismissing symptoms you notice. Trust your intuitions and resist thinking it is just a phase your child is going through. It would be safer to assume that what you see is just the tip of the iceberg. We believe this is something we did and have heard of others who made the same mistake. Please take action.

Basic Steps

Get Recommendations

If you have a trusted family doctor or pediatrician, talk to them about your concerns and ask them to recommend a child

counselor or psychologist that you can meet with.

You may also get suggestions from the leader at a church you attend or a school counselor.

After getting some names, schedule meetings with them before

you take your child and make sure you feel comfortable with

them and their philosophy of treatment.

Extended Steps


If you are able to devote more time to finding the right person to help your child, get the book, "Straight Talk about Your Child's Mental Health: What to Do When Something Seems Wrong" by Steven V. Faraone. As we mentioned on our Learn page, take a few minutes to read chapter 11 on finding the right help for your child.

For Basic or Extended Steps:

Pursue Health

While our focus here is on the mind and mental health, we affirm the pursuit of health for our entire being--physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. To fully address mental and emotional health, physical and spiritual health must be sought as well. Whether you have 5 minutes or 60, take a step today to pursue health!

Physical health suggestions-Be a Healthy Role Model for your Children

Spiritual health suggestions-How God Showed His Love for Us, 4750 Beechnut Drive, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9321,

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